One night, a humming bird came callin. It sat upon my finger,
then walked to the center of my open hand. She then spread her
wings out slowly and relaxed her belly against the warmth of my
hand. I closed my eyes and felt the powerful spirit that dwelled
within this tiny creature. Somehow my spirit along with the spirit
of this tiny awesome creature combined.
For a brief moment in time I saw and heard many things.
The music in this CD is the best I can do to bring to you
the wonderful things I saw and yet still in awe of. 
(We are all native to life)
I dedicate this music to all the the tiny spirits that are simply
here to enjoy and share with.


The songs listed below are the entire CD.


HummingBird Come Callin'

In The Hand

In The Nest

Riding on The Wings

Being Born

Taking to the Sky

The First Look


As for the Cost of my three new CD's?


I have just completed my Concerto.
entitled "Twilight Serenade"
Click on the CD Cover to
download it. 


This CD is Guitar and Voice only!

Entitled "All The Lands"

The songs listed below are the entire CD.


All The Lands

Be Free

A Raining Day

Looking Outside

Simply Me

The Game